由加拿大信義宗聯會的前主席 Pastor Edward Skutshek 分享信息。
6月29日星期六:上午11時正 粵語週年紀念崇拜 (英語翻譯粵語)
6月30日星期日:上午10時正 粵語週年紀念崇拜 (英語翻譯粵語)
上午11時45分 國語/英語聯合崇拜 (英語翻譯普通話)
時間:五時半恭候, 六時入席
另外, 我們邀請兄弟姐妹在6月份為新生堂的未來發展禱告,並在6月29、30日的週年紀念崇拜上用特製奉獻盒作感恩奉獻,帶到祭壇上。 (家庭可同用一個奉獻盒)
英語事工仍在聘請牧者 - 求主差派合主心意的牧者來帶領英語事工;求主記念在主裏勞苦的信徒領袖,求神幫助加添他們力量,供應他們身心靈的需要。
坡道翻新工程仍在進行招標, 請禱告記念。
This year is our 50th Anniversary celebration !
Saturday June 29: 11am CM Special Anniversary Worship Service
Sunday June 30: 10am CM Special Anniversary Worship Service;
Sunday June 30: 11:45am Joint MM and EM Special Anniversary Worship Service
Sunday June 30 @ 6pm Dinner Banquet at Continental Seafood Restaurant
Address: 11700 Cambie Rd., Richmond BC
Registration/signing in at 5:30 pm, Program starts at 6 pm.
**We also invite brothers and sisters to pray for the future development of New Life during the month of June and prepare a thanksgiving offering in a special made offering box to be brought up to the altar during our anniversary worship service at 29-30th of June.
Prayer Items:
Welcome to our new MM Pastor Steven Li who has started his ministry with us on June 16, 2024.
English Ministry Pastoral search - may the Lord provide us with a pastor to lead the English ministry. We also pray for the faithful leaders in English Ministry: may God give them strength, and provide all their needs.
Pastoral staff and council members will be having a visioning retreat on Aug 5, 2024. Focus in future church building development direction.
Ramp renovation: building permit obtained, we are undergoing the tendering process.