坡道建設工程即將開始進行 (工程大約需要三個月)。施工期間, 46街側門將成為主要出入口。 在崇拜聚會交接, 將有指定人員協助疏導人流。 請弟兄姊妹體諒包容在工程進行期間的不便。 求神保守工程順利完成, 讓弟兄姊妹能更安全和容易地出入和參與聚會。
在退修會討論到培育兒童和青少年的重要性, 父母屬靈生命建立和栽培也不可缺。 改善我們的空間和設施可以幫助家庭事工發展。
另外教會面對領袖/ 事奉人員的挑戰: 國語部成員大部份已是退休年齡, 英語部青少年的比例很高。 教會需要裝備弟兄姊妹, 求上帝感動弟兄姊妹願意委身, 支援各事工的需要。
教堂建築: 討論新建築建設/ 可行方案。 初步先進行尋求可行性研究, 考慮或與合適的機構合作, 進行全面建設的可能性。
2025事工計劃/ 預算規劃
Ramp Project Update
You will start seeing work begin on the ramp in this upcoming week. Once the fences are put up, the church building can only be accessed from the side door (see posted pictures). There will be designated ushers to guide people going into and out of the sanctuary. The project is expected to take about 3 months to complete. We thank everyone for your understanding and patience during the construction.
Church visioning:
During our leadership retreat, we acknowledged the importance of bringing up our children and youths to follow Jesus, including discipleship training for parents etc. Improving our space and facilities can help support these ministries.
There are also challenges in leadership for all language ministries. Demographic factors: MM members predominantly retired age, high proportion of younger individuals in EM. Leaders are being stretched thin and we need to equip more leaders and provide adequate support for leaders.
Church building development: considered possible options and we will conduct feasibility studies to gather more information on potentially collaboration with a suitable party and do a full build on our land.
Prayer Items:
2025 Ministry Plan/Budget Planning
Equipping Leaders serving in different areas
Preparing to conduct Feasibility studies for church New building development. God’s Guidance and Providence on our future church build