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2023 December Church Council Announcements 

  1. 2024 Council:

    1. Chairperson: Bertha Choy

    2. Vice-Chair: Nelson Ho

    3. Treasurer: Kitty Ho

    4. Secretary: Elleena Liu

    5. CM Rep: Dorothy Cheng

    6. MM Rep: Susan Woo

    7. EM Rep: Larksun Voo

  2. 2024 Council Installation will be on Sunday January 7, 2024 at 11:30am-11:45am.

  3. This year will be our church’s 50th Anniversary. We are looking for members to join the planning committee. Please approach the pastors or someone from your leadership team if you are interested.

  4. MM pastoral search in entering the final decision stage; please continue to pray for this earnestly.

  5. Prayer Items:

    1. Church leadership: 2024 leadership teams, vision and direction for the upcoming year.

    2. English Ministry and Mandarin Ministry Pastoral Search.

    3. Church Building Development Project and fundraising.

    4. Renovation projects - ramp permitting, 6247 Main Street.

    5. Unity in Christ among members of MM Sub-Council, leaders and congregation.

    6. CM Newcomers Ministry and resources to facilitate and support the growth.

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